Wrath: Peggings? (leggings for pants)

As the temperatures are getting cooler and those boots are coming out of storage, I know you’re all just itching to pull on your favorite fall item: leggings. Now, this has been a very heated debate among young women everywhere as leggings are probably the most comfortable thing you could possibly wear (besides my old Penn State sweatpants). Yet, worn inappropriately, they could garner you lots of stares, whistles, looks of disgust, or sneaky photos (google is loaded with them!) Let’s talk for a moment about the do’s and dont’s of legging wearing, shall we?

DO: pair your leggings with a looser shirt to balance the tightness of the pants. (Photo from Pinterest)

DON’T: buy leggings that are too small, or have too thin of fabric, unless you really WANT everyone to see your bizness… (image from Google)

DO: pair your leggings with a dress/tunic/shirt that is long enough to cover your…um…region. Y’all know what I’m talkin about. (image from Victoria’s Secret)

DON’T: wear leggings if they give you a camel toe. Period. (image from Google)

DO: dress up your leggings with a blazer! You wanna be comfortable, but you don’t want to look like you’ve been writing a term paper in the library for 5 hours. Comfy & classy is always a winner. (image from Google)

The mother of all DON’TS: don’t do anything this poor girl has done. Don’t wear leggings that at first glance make you appear to be naked. Don’t wear leggings that are this tight. Don’t wear them with such a short shirt. Don’t wear them to work. and DON’T LET ANYONE TAKE YOUR PHOTO IF YOU’VE BROKEN ANY RULES!!! Otherwise you’ll end up with your booty all over the internet. No one wants that. (image from Pinterest)

Follow these rules, and you’ll be able to stay cute and comfy all through the season.

About Lacey @ My Boring Closet

Denver-based life and style blog for not-so-boring women who want to live and dress well without spending a fortune.

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